Dietoterapia nowotworów układu pokarmowego, ginekologicznych i piersi
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For me personally, a healthy way of living was a mysterious and unrealistic theory that I was never in a mood to explore. No, with your help and guidance I am to start a new life! It is always easier to go with fast food, but we forget that neglecting your diet costs us our long and happy life. You don’t have to be a chef to be able to eat properly. Everyone can afford organic green veggies, fresh fruits and protein today. All you have to do is make a little effort, really.
Dietoterapia nowotworów układu pokarmowego, ginekologicznych i piersi
Dietoterapia niedoczynności i nadczynności tarczycy, choroby Hashimoto, zespołu policystycznych janików (PCOS)
Dietoterapia SIBO, IMO, IBS, nieswoistych zapaleń jelit, przewlekłego zapalenia trzustki, celiakii, przerostu Candidy, choroby refluksowej przełyku